How do you prepare when you know you are walking head on into a storm? Whether it be a hurricane type physical storm or an emotional storm. There is something to be said about when you know that you are going to be seriously uncomfortable or that there may even be pain involved. We are about to stay the night on the boats, and we know that some rather undesirable weather is coming in. So, as I sit preparing to pack, I am baffled that I am even willing to go! How do you move forward knowing how vulnerable you will be? We know that situations like this tear down our defenses and leave us open exposing layers we rarely acknowledge are there. In this, I consider the people I will be surrounded by and wonder if I trust them. I also consider how much of this situation I can control. Do I have an out? Is this all on my terms or will I be stuck? What if it is too much and I can’t continue? Then I come to the realization that I must believe that there is something beautiful in the storm. I must know that when those winds blow God is at work because nothing is wasted, and He knew they were coming. I must choose to surrender all the things, including myself and trust that He will never fail me.Â
I remember too, that there is a sweetness in the storms. I think that’s why I desire to go despite the conditions. Some things can only be brought to light in moments of unsettledness. I liken it to a pressure cooker. That’s what I feel like when God is pruning something out that doesn’t belong, I feel like I am being squeezed on all ends until I ultimately blow! And then the healing begins.
How will you prepare for the healing of your heart? How can you willingly walk into a room and face what has been tucked away in the depths of your soul for what seems like eternity? Why would you put yourself through that?! How can you not? How can you continue to walk in this way of hiding, pretending, and ignoring all the signs that lead to wholeness? Jesus is waiting. He will wait for you. He is not going anywhere. But sister, I beg you don’t let the enemy steal another moment of your life! Answer the call, answer the gentle, soft whisper to come. The one that says you are worth it! You are forgiven! Come, sweet sister and answer the call to freedom.