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Sunset Walk

The Next Step

The Next Step with God's Help

Why The Next Step?


Did you know only 10% of women completing a post-abortive healing study will use their voice to reach others? 90% will NEVER share their testimony and many fall back into isolation.


You may be thinking, "Where do I go now? What do I do now that I have

begun healing after abortion?"


Do you want to :

  • Experience a deeper, more personal relationship with God

as you open wider the door to your heart?

  • Continue your healing in

fellowship with others as you step out of a place of isolation?

  • Embrace your new freedom by using your gifts for God's purpose?


The Next Step, written by Jane Meeks, is a compatible sequel to

Surrendering the Secret and Forgiven and Set Free. It is a 7-week interactive

Bible study designed to be used in small groups of 3-6 women that equips,

trains, and empowers  women to use their voices to bring healing and hope

to the silent sufferers.


The Next Step has a proven track record with over 75% of "graduates"

stepping up and stepping out - sharing their stories, volunteering at

pregnancy centers, leading Bible studies at their churches... changing lives.



"When I went through The Next Step after an abortion healing program I learned to find my voice about abortions. I was able to speak in public that I too had an abortion and not feel shame and guilt that I once would. By telling my story, others have opened up to me about their abortions and sought healing." 

-Diane O'Toole, Executive Director, Boston Center for Pregnancy Choices



Denise Schmeer and Jane Meeks

To order The Next Step, visit our partnership page



If you are interested in taking The Next Step Bible Study course, fill out the form below.

The Next Step

A 7-week biblically-based study and compatible sequel to Surrendering the Secret, taught by the Light Group in Vero Beach, FL
Please fill out this form to register for our upcoming classes

Thanks for registering! We will contact you shortly with more info.

63 million babies have lost their lives to abortion.

God is raising up His armies...

Join us - Join Him!


"...The harvest is great, but the workers are few."

-Matthew 9:37

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